Have you ever entered a room and then stopped to ask yourself why you even went in there? Forget that cup of coffee in the microwave? Yep, us too! Many people, especially older adults, worry about memory loss. Rest assured, it’s normal to forget things once in a while as we age. Did you know that memory loss can be attributed to disease, malnutrition, stress and other treatable conditions? Yep, it’s true! Normal, age-related memory loss is typically identified by the limited disruption it causes to your daily life. Forgetting an appointment, your glasses or the name of someone you recently met. . .totally normal. When forgetfulness begins to impact the ability to work, live independently or maintain relationships, it is likely time to talk with your inner circle AND a medical provider.
Here are a few signs that it might be time to get concerned:
Getting lost going to or being in places you know well
Finding it difficult to follow simple recipes and directions
Mixing up common words frequently
Fluctuating moods or behaviors without obvious reasons
Asking the same questions repeatedly
Becoming more confused about dates, times, people and places
Deteriorating ability to self-care or maintain personal hygiene
If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these behaviors, don’t panic. Set up time with your healthcare provider and begin a discussion. When it comes to memory care, being proactive is key.